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Spring Clean Up

Spring Clean Up


The Spring clean up consists of edging all existing beds on the premises. This will also include removal of leaves and debris in the lawn and beds. In addition we thatch all lawns, except in very shady areas. Thatching pulls out much of the imbedded organic matter such as grass, stems, clippings, twigs, and leaves, etc. It is very important to remove this thatch layer. In doing so, fertilizers and other chemicals will be able to dilute with the rainfall and get down to the roots to be absorbed by the plant. If this thatch layer is not removed, it could have the capabilities of clinging onto chemicals. The chemicals do not get into the root system and will spread throughout the plant.


    This is an exclusive price available ONLY on - Payment via Credit Card ad 2.9% for Processing Fees. Cash or Check Accpectable upon Spring Clean Up completion.


    *First Time Customers ONLY*

NJBIA Member | Fully Insured | Est 2007

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